Tuesday, 1 March 2016

EXTRA:- Popular Ghana Bishop Denied UK Entry VISA

According to reports gathered by Topup9ja, a popular Ghanian man of
God Bishop Daniel Obinim had a rough day at the British High
Commission in Accra today.

The man of God who is set to hold a 7-day revival, anointing and
prayer convention in North London in UK was denied a VISA—and he was
offensively upset.
SOURCE:-Oluniyi Hisamotu | Topup9ja Staff

Sources at the High Commission stated that, Bishop Obinim was called
for an interview and for special interest reasons, the interview was
conducted by the High Commissioner himself-Jon Benjamin, an atheist.

Though Bishop Obinim had all his documents intact and had even sprayed
his application with anointing oil, the High Commissioner refused him
his requested UK Visa stating;

"It is a waste of British government's time to assess an application
from Bishop Obinim who can easily turn into a bird and fly into the

He continued; "We currently have a backlog of applications we are
struggling to deal with and therefore since you have the unique
capability to make it to UK without a visa, I grant you the permission
to use that rather and spare us some needed time to work on the
application of those who do not have such special powers."

Apparently, Bishop Obinim intends to appeal against the decision on
the grounds that UK is too far for him to fly there as a bird—and
again, it's too cold in the skies during this time of the season for
any bird to fly for long." the UK High commissioner said

It is yet to be seen what the next move of the man of God will be.

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