Sunday, 29 November 2015

Inspiration:-An Osun State Base OAP @Ben_Peletu talk about sex

#MyOpionion (WithBen_Peletu)   wait! Just wondering  you ask what? No jare, just wondering when many people today discuss protecting one's purity, they confused #Purity with #Viginity!

Do you know that there is a huge difference between #Purity and #Viginity? Oh no! Do you also know that there is more to #Purity than just being a virgin? Haaa! It seems you are confused ooooo  but let continue before you will jump into conclusion,*smile*.  Some days ago, I had a chat with someone as regard #Purity(with permission from the person involve) which she later told me she is a #TechnicalVirgine..... oh lala!  I was confused, so I asked her what she meant by that? She said "#MrBen I have engaged in other sexual activities, but haven't had #Sex" Haaa! Oluwa ooo, I mean she is yet to do the normal #SexualIntercourse.

 Do you know that some of us are like that? Now let get things clear here. There is nothing like #"TechnicalVirginity, you are either a #Virgin or not, there is much more to living pure than abstaining from sexual intercourse .... #Purity is a #lifestyle, it's not a #Chance, it's an instruction from God, it's one thing to be a #Virgin and it's another thing to be #PureInHeartOrMind, body and heart.... stop deceiving yourself! Self deceit is worse than cancer, how can you claim to be a virgin when you are not pure in body, mind&Heart. Some people doesn't know what it takes to be a virgin, God has not called us unto uncleaningness but unto #Holiness(1thess 4:7) and it's His will that we abstain from fonication (1Thess 4:3). Here I go, do you know that you can be #virgin and still end up in hell? Do you know that a #non-virgin who is pure in #Heart can make heaven? Don't get me wrong please.... sexual abstinence is good but your purity is not defined by your abstinence, that you have not had Sex doesn't mean you are pure in heart Beloved, are you among those that call themselves a #"TechnicalVirgin?

 Do you maintain your physical virginity and give away your purity? Some of us have #Butchered the gift of purity in which #Jesus died for! You can't call yourself a virgin and still indulge in other sexual activity. Being a virgin makes you special but what value can you place on your physical virginity when you have #Compromise your body and heart, hmmm! You can deceive me and others but you can't deceived God! Beloved, we can't run away from the truth.... are you willing to stop all these #Hypocritical lifestyle? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to keep yourself from #Compromising? Your virginity can't guarantee your heaven, either you are a #BtotherCord,#SisterCord,#Choir,#Usher,#Lydia, #Youth,#GospelSingers, #YouthLeaders or Any forms of leader in church. Remember the parable of the Ten Virgin(Matt25:1-12) only those who are pure in heart will see God (Matt5:8), come to Jesus and He will make you pure in heart again.

He love you when we surrender our heart to Him. We share in His glory with a renewed knowledge of God and a transform way of thinking. Purity is now! His grace is still sufficient.                                             #AVirginWithoutVirtureIsLikeABeautifulBirdWithoutWings.                                                                              #Ben_Peletu@96.3fmWillKeepReppingDKingdom

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