Wednesday, 27 July 2016



Before dealing in details with the topic of discourse, I bet to cast our mind back in history to the days the much coveted legendary Mary Slessor, who earmarked the abolishion of the twins execution in the South-Southern part of the country. Giving birth to a set of twins was seen as a bad omen by the people of calabar and they forbade it at that time.

But, when Mary Slessor came to the country, everything changed. Calabar where she settled, happened to be the center of the masacre movie. She ignited her war against the killing by remodeling the people's socio-cultural doctrines, which paved way for the execution of the unwanted children.

Mary had this optimism of overcoming every external and internal forces that may scuttle the campaign against the evil act people of Calabar had been wallowing in. She was calculative with her approach, by first of all, rehabilitating their mental faculty before taking them on in the physical and eventually a victory was recorded in the camp of the Slessors. It sounds more like the seductive power of a woman.

Considering the above analogy, one would come to realise that, with a woman at helm of affairs, everything is always solved. It is their nature to have whatever they want at their feet.

Also, using the last gubernatorial election in Kogi state that had a female contestant, it was crystal to every mind then that the woman would get to power barrind any last ditch, but for her arch opponent, feminism power should not be an hurdle for them leap hence, the franchise skewed against the history bound woman.

It is now clear here that, the totality of a man does allow them win when the counterpart seems their opponent. Man, may by chance and by virtue of God's ordination, be the controller of the women, but in any case, they should feel sad if a female happens to be their opponent because it is often inextricable having them as one.

When the Barack Obama's administration was almost fizzling out, the need of having a replacement arose hence, the different political party's candidates nomination for the white house.

Unlike the Nigerian system of electing leaders, the United States of America's selection is considerably cumbersome, making it a tug of war fighting for any political seat. Federalism in the US is in its real sense as all the three levels of government namely, the County, the State and the Central government have a key role to play.

In the US, there are only two political parties, the Republican and the Democratic parties, for the purpose of the discourse, I would like to neglect the talks about the more successful of all.

However,the first phase of the contest has been completed after a significant number of Counties and states have thrown their weights behind their favorite candidates. As it stands, Donald Trump is now the flag bearer of the Republican party against Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump is a rich and well known merchant in the United States as a result of his numerous business ownings that litters the the North American continent.

Hillary Clinton has always been a political person, on the other hand for she has overseen many plenty political posts notably among them is the senatorial post she held recently.

In respect of their short resume, and considering the feministic power Hillary posses and the hate campaign Trump is reputed for and also not to forget, the history made by Hillary for becoming the first female nominee of a political party for a presidential post, it will be said that, there seems light at the end of the tunnel for Hillary.

First fact, Hillary Clinton has had a rough time dealing with competitions from Donald and her immediate strong opponents in her party before emerging as the flag bearer at the expense of a giant political person. Most times, she would have to manage allegations weighed against her by rivals from within and around.

Fact two, not to be confused, Hillary would leverage on the fact that her husband had once ruled the US before and that for sure, will always be an advantage for her barring any last ditch.

Last fact, Donald Trump, during the build up to the election, had altercation with some men who could make or mar his future as the US president. Critically, 85 percent of Donalds campaign promises are aimed against the yankees and Muslim Americans, which dominates the American population.

The fact that no woman has ever constested the post in history would come to bear in this place as Americans are history loving people and has made some in the past.

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