Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Their are hues and cries in Osun State polytechnic Iree as students of the polytechnic are alleging the newly installed of corruption.
According to a statement that TOPUP9JA gathered from one of the student (SODIQ LAWAL), he accused the Student Union Government led by IMOLE of diverting the grant giving to them by the management of the school for personal use.

SOURCE:-Oluniyi Hisamotu | Topup9ja Staff

See the statement here
"Articulate Nigeria Students!!!!

Is it palatable to hear that our new elected student union executives have been wallowing in corruption and embezzlement of funds?
It was just in recent, I heard from a reliable five different source that the SUG president called an unofficial SUE meeting on Monday 21st March, 2016 with Olumiko-PRO, Newton-Gen Sec, Afobaje-Vice president, Tran4ma-AGS, Sugar-Auditor, Bengu-Soc Dir, AdeQuate-Fin Sec and Flavour-Sport in his office and said they had collected the SUG take off grant which he and Gen Sec signed, (without a functional Treasurer, who's the lawful 3rd signatory).
Suddenly, after he claimed they met just N9,000 in the union and N100, 000 grant they collected is meant for Excos ."

READ ALSO:-OSPOLY Iree Post UTME date announced

He stressed that N5, 000 would be shared amongst Excos. Then the PRO decline to collect a part if SRC as 2nd arm of our union have not be notified and carried along in the transaction, since we all owned the case. Also he insisted that Imole should called the Speaker on it but he declined by saying O-Possible is'nt his Boss. Just 30mins after sharing the N5, 000, Sugar-Auditor went to return his own part of the money."

"However, the sources revealed that the Speaker later heard the financial misconduct and called an SRC emergency meeting where Imole, AdeQ-Fin Sec, Newton(who AGS-Tran4ma stood for) plus Sugar-Auditor were served an invitation for questioning on their greedy act on Thursday.
But report from the house claimed, Imole, Transformer, AdeQuate and Auditor(sugar who failed to officially present statement of account to report the misdeed to SRC) was puzzled along as they all pleaded guilty after IMOLE was quick to admit and tender an oral apology for side-lining the House."

"It's now to be seen weather the Resolution for him to be sanctioned as passed by Ospoly SRC will be democratically respected by Mr. President or resisted when he's maybe served a 'Disciplinary Notice' alongside his greedy fellows who also collected N5,000 each as what maybe thought to be their salaries, except the SUG P.R.O who we may say had acted well is part in the dirty game of gross financial misconduct. This is not to pain anybody black, but to rather expose the misdeed and unworthy activities running in the corridors of our Students Union Building, Campus, Iree."

"Let's stay at alert and see who comes clean! and who justifies what ? to us(who voted them to serve our collective interests) towards Easter Resumption Tuesday 29th, March 2016. (Strictly for concerned & progressive Ospoly students of our time: Monitoring details coming soon. Your in truth of the struggle)." ADVERTISE WITH US | TOPUP9JA STAFF | ABOUT US | CONTACT US 
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